Sunday, September 18, 2011

Trip Report: Fishin' Around

Today I got out for a few hours after the Packer game! GO PACK! First I headed to the canyons stretch in search of big rainbows and maybe a stray brookie or two. I found no brookies and the rainbows left much to be desired. I made my way down to the river passing a few campsites. Before I reached the stream I came upon this.
Besides dousing the surrounding area with gasoline and tossing a match on it, this is the best way to start a forest fire. Smokey the Bear would be disappointed at these peoples stupidity. After admiring this stupid scene I started tossing the sculpin.

I really wanted to fish further down stream for some browns but I've been daydreaming about one particular pool in the canyons since I started tying up sculpin flies. I caught a bunch of average sized bows on my way upstream. The water was low and clear and the pool that I hoped would hold a big bow held only a few little ones. I managed to scare up a few nice ones but they only halfheartedly nipped at the fly. I returned to where I had started and decided to push downstream. I zipped by my normal spots and headed to a new area made newly accessible by the low water.
 This area held a few nice pools but none of the brushy undercut banks that hold the big ones. I did manage a few average sized silvery bows.
After a good hike with little to show I headed back to the car.
 It was a beautiful walk back to the car. I headed north to where I hoped to run into some nice browns.
This was the only brown that I could find, but I did manage some more bows.

These rainbows were all very chunky! Just before I left I cast into a very deep run. I felt a sharp strike and set the hook. My drag screamed for a second but the fish was easily subdued. I swung the fish out of the current, shocked at what I saw.
A 15 inch walleye deep in the heart of trout waters! I would have kept him but the water reeked of cow dung.
Overall today's trip was a great way to celebrate a Packer victory!

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