Thursday, August 23, 2012

Trip Report: Fishin' The Flathead

After work last night I headed to the Flathead to chase some cutthroats. I wore swimming shorts and waded deep into the river, which gains it's flow from glacier's in the northern Rockies! Strapped with two serious weapons (an 8 wt fly rod and medium spinning gear) I fished for a just shy of 2 hours. 
Quite a few cutties took the Stimulator and a little bull trout took the spinner. I put him back immediately without photo due to their status as an endangered species.
The first bigger fish is a Rainbow that I caught at another spot! They hit pretty fast and furious until the sun began to sink under the weight of the mountains. I had one really nice cutthroat of around 18'' jump fully out of the water missing my red butted Stimulator dry fly by the smallest margin as if floated quickly down the main stem of the river...

Maybe next time!


  1. super trout, i couldn't imagine how nice that 18 must have been

  2. I got out today for a long lunch break and I got a stout 15 incher along with a few smaller ones! I spotted a huge ones (probably Bull trout) too.
