Thursday, August 18, 2011

Trip Report: Fishin' With the Woman!

I spent last night tying up this box of flies for sale on ebay...and dreaming about trout. This morning I made a deal with the wife that stated if she came along fishing with me tonight I would go to a girly movie at the theater with her sometime. It'll probably be called something lame like "girls like us" or "Once a Brides Maid Finally a Bride", but the hearty spirit that she exhibited by bushwhacking through mountain lion country must be rewarded, no matter what the cost. 
If she can hike through this I can sit through the lamest of romantic comedy.
 This snake of a rainbow swirled at a Chartreuse Wulff and just barely got hooked. As the fly floated over a shallow riffle I saw the swirl and set the hook. My drag screamed for a split second, but he put very little into his escape.
I'll just daydream about these two little buggers! Both pulled out of shallow riffles with the Deer Hair Caddis, these two rainbows were the big fish of the day. No really bigguns but the top girl was around 13 inches. 
This pool gave me good feelings but yielded no fish over eight inches. This spot marks the furthest I had previously ventured on this stretch, but today the wife was feeling adventurous and, as I had not spent too much time on one pool, we had enough sunlight to continue on. After some more heavy bushwhacking we reached a cool section of pools and continued up hill.

After the sun receded leaving the sky a purplish pink, we headed back down hill into the canyon. My desire to fish back to the put in area was quelled by my desire to not sleep on the couch tonight, so we high tailed it back to the put in and up to the car.
Overall it was a great day of fishing, hiking, and spending time with the woman. I brought around 30 fish to hand in about and hour and 45 min. No big fish but it was great to get some fresh air and some practice for the weekend.

Stay Tuned: We are planning on heading to the Belt Mountains this weekend to explore.

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